The Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC) in the ongoing fight against the deadly Ebola Virus Disease, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week donated a consignment of medical supplies in the tone of US$ 10,000.00 to the health teams of four counties namely: Bomi, Margibi, Bong and Lofa.
On Wednesday, September 17, the LPRC delegation led by Managing Director T. Nelson Williams, II visited the Liberian Government Hospital in Tubmanburg, Bomi County where they presented the medical supplies in the fight against Ebola. Making the donation on behalf of the company, Deputy Managing Director for Administration (DMD/A) Jackson Fiah Doe, Jr. noted that though the LPRC is involved with the handling and storing of petroleum products in the country, there is more to their work as they are involved in a lot of activities relative to giving back to the society through their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). He further indicated "With our country Liberia and other countries in the sub-region being engaged the fight against the deadly Ebola virus which continues to claim the lives of many, we have seen the need to continue the support in the fight against this virus that continue to pose a serious problem to our country". Continuing Mr. Doe said "We have been doing a lot in terms of joining the fight against Ebola as we have given to many organizations in many ways all geared towards the fight against Ebola". The LPRC DMD/A concluded by donating the items which included: four cartons of Wellington Boots (rain boots), 50 pieces of Heavy Rubber Apron, 100 pieces of Light Rubber Apron, 125 pieces of Safety Goggles, 100 pieces of Disposable Overalls, 100 pieces of Nose Cover and 150 pieces of Hand Gloves.
Receiving the items, the County Health Officer of Bomi , Dr. Gabriel Gorbee Logan, thanked the LPRC for the donation and stated "these items are what we really need and we are so grateful to you the LPRC family". The visiting LPRC delegation was then taken on a guarded tour where they had a glimpse of the Ebola Treatment Unit and also saw two patients out of 11 that were being discharged.
On Thursday, September 18, the LPRC delegation led by MD T. Nelson Williams, II also visited the CH Rennie Hospital in Margibi County where similar quantity of materials donated to the health Center in Bomi were donated in Margibi by DMD/A Doe.
Earlier, Mr. Williams said their visit was intended to give more to the fight against Ebola as they have decided to give to health facilities in four counties. "This is a four county tour. Yesterday we were in Bomi where we made donation to the Government hospital, today we are here in Margibi making similar donation and on tomorrow we will be in Bong and Lofa counties to make similar donations".
Receiving the items, the Acting Health Officer of Margibi County, Dr. Adolphus T. Yeah thanked the LPRC for the donation and said the donation was timely. He then said those calling for the Ebola fight to be outsourced are making a mistake as they the Liberian doctors can win the fight against Ebola. "We Liberian health workers have the qualification and technical knowhow in winning the Ebola war", Dr.Yeah noted. He named the Firestone hospital, ELWA 2 and the JFK Medical Center, all operated by Liberians as been key areas where patients have been treated and discharged of Ebola.
In a brief remark, Saye Baawo, Assistant Minister for Curative, Ministry of Health, thanked the LPRC for the donation and also thanked their international partners for the support and expressed optimism of winning the war against Ebola through the collective effort of everyone.
And on Friday September 19, Deputy Managing Director for Operations, Aaron J. Wheagar, I presented similar quantity of medical supplies to Bong and Lofa Counties health teams. Making the donation at the Ministry of Health Office in Bong County, Mr. Wheagar said the donations were intended to buttress the effort of the two counties health teams as they fight against the deadly Ebola virus and used the opportunity to thank them for the sacrifices made in helping cater to ailing people in the interest of fighting the deadly Ebola virus. He further said "as part of the LPRC Corporate Social Responsibility, we have decided to give these medical supplies to the people of Bong and Lofa counties in the fight against Ebola".
In separate remarks, Dr. Samson K. Arzoaduor and Wolobah Y. Moore, County Health Officer and County Pharmacist of Bong and Lofa respectively, commended the LPRC for the donation and promised to use the items for the intended purpose. They however intoned that there are two major challenges with the lack of ambulances and fuel as being key.
Other members of the LPRC delegation were: Dr. Henrique Tokpa,Rev.Emmanuel Bowier, Atty Felecia Coleman and George Kpawulu, (Board members) and Jackson Fiah Doe, Jr., Deputy Managing Director for Administration, Aaron J. Wheagar, I, Deputy Managing Director for Operations, William Morris, Public Relations Manager, Kude L.C.Kollie, Safety & Health Environment Officer, Wleh Bedell, Public Relations Officer and Wannie Massaquoi, Company Nurse.