Pro Democracy Group Honors T. Nelson

A Pro democracy group, Society for Promotion of Peace National Reconciliation and Reunification (SPPNRR) has honored the Managing Director of the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC) for his meaningful contribution in promoting peace and development in Liberia.
At the ceremony held in the training hall of the LPRC, J. Mayfield Copson, National Chairman of SPPNRR described the LPRC boss T.Nelson Williams, II as a man who has contributed very meaningfully to the peace of Liberia.
Mr. Copson said there are major changes, reforms at the LPRC under a T. Nelson Williams, II led administration.
According to the organization head, during the celebration of ten years of peace in Liberia on August 12, at the Centennial Memorial Pavilion, Mr. Williams was amongst those selected to be honored and decided to do so on Friday, September 27.
Presenting a certificate of honor to Mr. Williams, Mr. Copson noted “we like to present this honor to you (Mr. Williams) for your meaningful contribution in helping to promote peace. We urge you to continue the good work, don`t allow your detractors to pull you down, but must be energized in taking the LPRC to another level so that when you leave, you will leave a legacy”.
Receiving the honor, Mr. Williams dedicated it to every employee at the company and noted they will continue to contribute to the nation rebuilding and will always give back to society.
There were also comments from the LPRC Workers Union Secretary General, Eric Ceekay Sayee and Deputy Managing Director for Administration Jackson Fiah Doe, Jr. who all commended the MD for the honor and said the LPRC is on track.